Curriculum Vitae & Publications
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Recent Works
Hoffman, Andrew D. 2023. The Same, but Different: Markedness & the Verb in Gottscheerisch. Dissertation: The Pennsylvania State University. [link]
Klosinski, Robert and Andrew D. Hoffman. 2022. Phonological complexity: Bernese Swiss German in Ohio and Misiones. Heritage Language Journal 18(2), 1-26.
Putnam, Mike & Andrew D. Hoffman. 2021. Overextension in Gottscheerisch (negative) imperatives: Proclisis at the edge of the first phase. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 24(2): 189-215.
Putnam, Mike; Lara Schwarz; and Andrew D. Hoffman. 2021. Morphology. Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages, eds. Maria Polinsky and Silvina Montrul, 613-43. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Markelj, Miha; Boris Jensterle; and Andrew D. Hoffman. 2020. Nekdanje soriško narečje – danjarska govorica, “drfaška špraha”: Zgodovinski oris nastanka in kasnejši razvoj [Former Sorica dialect–Danje dialect “drfaška špraha”: Historical outline of its origins and subsequent development]. Železne niti 17, 181-96.